Pro Stage Performers

at Aleksander Theater 6.10.2024

Our heart is the Earth

Combining the words "Earth" and "heart" into the performance creates a metaphorical image that emphasizes the importance of caring for our planet. The beginning of the dance with the word "Earth" symbolizes our common stay on this planet, its beauty, natural resources and diversity of life. Then, transforming this word into "heart" by changing one letter conveys the idea that the Earth is the source of life, love and care, just as the heart is the center of life force in the body. In this way I express the importance of environmental awareness, respect for the environment and the need to take care of our planet to maintain its beauty and vitality. With this performance I want to show the audience that each of us contributes to the conservation of nature and understand that everyone is able to contribute to the protection of the Earth. The earth is our heart!

Dancer: Elena Volkova

Golden Cage

If you have the desire for immeasurable freedom, go for it.

Be like those birds that shine when they fly, like those animals that have the determination to go for their prey.

If you want to fly and shine, just do it.

Don't leave all your potential in a golden cage

Will it be easy?.

Mmmmmm no but feels great to do it.

Choreography by Cano Monroy (IG @canomonroy305)

Dancer: Ida Von Steuben

(in) ME

On jazztanssiteos, jossa tutkitaan suhdetta itseensä ja peilataan omakuvaa muiden silmin. Mitä me näemme itsessämme ja kuinka se eroaa muiden näkemyksestä? Tanssijat tarjoavat omien tarinoiden kautta katsojalle kosketuspintaa itseensä, omiin ajatuksiin ja tunteisiin. Herkkyys, dynaamisuus ja rytmikkyys kohtaavat jazztanssin liikekielessä ja äänimaisemassa, joka luo tilaa erilaisille näkökulmille suurennuslasin alla.


JK Dance Company esittelee Helsinki Dance Festivalilla lyhennetyn demoversion tulevasta koko illan teoksesta. Koreografina toimii Katrin Vaskelainen ja esiintyjinä JK Dance Companyn esiintyjät Nea-Maria Alanko, Elle Kiuru, Eryka Saksa, Mikko Elias, Emily Viitanen ja Sini Ristolainen.

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